Friday, June 25, 2004

Birds of a Feather...

So here's today's episode - Mr. Ireland's Mum and Brother are staying over for a few weeks:

Akethan: Did i tell you about the bird juice?

Sister: uuugh

Sister: bird juice?

Akethan: Mr. Ireland's brother - K - said he needed a few things from the store - crispix, milk, white grape juice... so I picked 'em up and they were here for him when he got here

Akethan: after the first day or so - he finished the white grape juice off

Sister: ok

Akethan: everytime he goes for juice - he gets a new glass - at the end of each day there are glasses all over the house.... i keep

Sister: <~~~skerred

Akethan: collecting them and washing them and putting them away

Akethan: then -- yesterday i noticed they all had a red juice left in them

Akethan: i looked around and couldn't figure out where this red juice was coming from

Akethan: so when they were all sitting in the living room (Mr. Ireland, Mum, K)

Akethan: i asked - "Hey, what is this red juice - ?"

Akethan: everyone just sat there and then K got up and came over to look

Akethan: i asked - "Where is this coming from?"

Akethan: he stuttered that it was juice he found in a jar in the fridge

Sister: oh no

Sister: hummingbird food?

Akethan: puzzled i walked over to the fridge and looked inside and then bust out laughing

Akethan: he had finished off a gallon of hummingbird juice

Sister: oh my lord

Akethan: *can we have a 'grandma f memorial moment'*?

Sister: uhuh

Akethan: we were all in tears. he's mildly Rain Man - and got a bit flustered.

Sister: when do they leave?

Akethan: i said - now K, it's just sugar and water - no harm to you - don't get yer feathers ruffled.

Sister: i would say poor man but cant bring my self to quit laughing

Footnote = Grandma F - a dear soul who liked to sit on the sofa for days watching PRICE IS RIGHT - was found munching serenely on dogfood which my mom kept stored in an old Charles Chips can. She didn't bat and eyelash when I told her that wasn't a snackfood but kibble. She lived through the Depression, she informed me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Rainstorm (ef)

A spray of cologne
On the skin
What summer smells like
Afternoon storms
My love for you
Again & again & again
A strip – a tester
Holds the spores
So fine & fragrant
Slipped in a breast pocket
A return ticket
The transport – a nose
We’re back in summer
Cold rain on a hot wind
Our hands & lips
Again & again & again.