I read today that "the recipe for a mouse is much the same as the recipe for an elepant."
Yet they differ.
Some in my family speak racism with comfort and ease.
I ask if my discomfort stems from my disagreement with their views or an echoic sympathetic twinge - an acknowledgement that this is the stock I am from; so is racism a part of who I am?
If someone's dander is raised at the lowering of another confederate flag, a flag stitched in haste to represent a potential new nation whose core philosophy was an independent will to preserve its historic industries. At the cost of human life and dignity. This new nation's flag was intended to wave high its own beliefs, its separate strengths and disparate weaknesses. And it's right to dominate the beliefs and strengths of another people.
It is a waste of fabric to continue to sew this flag in this day and age. It is only a "tradition" in its deliberate perpetuation.
And if you're angry that the general public cries, "Take it down and put it away."
Take it down and put it away.
"It's just something else that THEY'VE taken from us."
What is being taken from you? Your heritage? Something to be proud of?
Something I should be proud of?
I love you and admire you. I aspire to be like you.
I am you. Your recipe.
Are we mouse or elephant?
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