Friday, December 31, 2004

Don't Tell Me... (ef)

Don’t tell me to shut up, world –
I was silent for centuries before this life:
I was a stone.

So my mouth makes up for lost time.

And my eyes read books to punish you:
You can’t follow me here, world.
You can’t critique or improve my journey.

Each step this stone takes is its own –
By tongue and/or toe.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Vanishingly Small (ef)

A quadrillion
Varying forms of hydrogen or oxygen
A quintillion
Water molecules
A septillion
Snowflakes fall every winter
In North America
You and I are
The harder I look at You –
The more the differences between us vanish.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Diophantine (ef)

x^{2} + y^{2}
If I worry the page
With ‘I love you.’
One million times squared –
Would you read each rendition
And feel my need in each pass of the pen?

Although I lived my life a long time before you came along –
Would you know how much I ache
When you are away?
How I can’t wait for you to return again
So I can watch your eyes and hands
And listen to your lyric voice
Play a story for me?

My friend and lover
No one thing illustrates Forever
But when you’re spooned against me
So many nights over these several years
Our history is a sum greater than the parts
Whose result defines what Forever is:
Losing count
After one.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Ortegrity (ef)

This aubergine democracy
Of spongelike texture
And disagreeable taste
Noise experts – tut-tutting without wind
Still blowing out candles
Poor traits to pass along
The struggle to survive
Withering intelligence by degrees
By moonlight this fruit seems hardened to the world
But it won’t last the winter
Without the song of the frog & cricket
Pixie – your trick too late realized -
Lost on a familiar road
A fine environment for thinking
Surrounded by the purple night,
Silently, I breathe out.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

We Won't Stop Dancing (ef)

Lo Nafseek Lirkod

In the years before I came to live here
There was fool’s gold in plastic cards
Little promise of things to come…
No regard for bombs, hatred,
And a world at war,
Today is an outdoor brightness:
A day of lapis skies
The world
An emerald tablet.
Have I come to my master work –
Each moment spent
A delicate liquid-solid,
Each passing lifetime
Measured by the people
I spend it with?
For now, I am here
At the soul of the world
Challenged to speak
So much less than I listen,
To stay still and tune in to my heart
While my legs and arms are itching to dance.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Birds of a Feather...

So here's today's episode - Mr. Ireland's Mum and Brother are staying over for a few weeks:

Akethan: Did i tell you about the bird juice?

Sister: uuugh

Sister: bird juice?

Akethan: Mr. Ireland's brother - K - said he needed a few things from the store - crispix, milk, white grape juice... so I picked 'em up and they were here for him when he got here

Akethan: after the first day or so - he finished the white grape juice off

Sister: ok

Akethan: everytime he goes for juice - he gets a new glass - at the end of each day there are glasses all over the house.... i keep

Sister: <~~~skerred

Akethan: collecting them and washing them and putting them away

Akethan: then -- yesterday i noticed they all had a red juice left in them

Akethan: i looked around and couldn't figure out where this red juice was coming from

Akethan: so when they were all sitting in the living room (Mr. Ireland, Mum, K)

Akethan: i asked - "Hey, what is this red juice - ?"

Akethan: everyone just sat there and then K got up and came over to look

Akethan: i asked - "Where is this coming from?"

Akethan: he stuttered that it was juice he found in a jar in the fridge

Sister: oh no

Sister: hummingbird food?

Akethan: puzzled i walked over to the fridge and looked inside and then bust out laughing

Akethan: he had finished off a gallon of hummingbird juice

Sister: oh my lord

Akethan: *can we have a 'grandma f memorial moment'*?

Sister: uhuh

Akethan: we were all in tears. he's mildly Rain Man - and got a bit flustered.

Sister: when do they leave?

Akethan: i said - now K, it's just sugar and water - no harm to you - don't get yer feathers ruffled.

Sister: i would say poor man but cant bring my self to quit laughing

Footnote = Grandma F - a dear soul who liked to sit on the sofa for days watching PRICE IS RIGHT - was found munching serenely on dogfood which my mom kept stored in an old Charles Chips can. She didn't bat and eyelash when I told her that wasn't a snackfood but kibble. She lived through the Depression, she informed me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Rainstorm (ef)

A spray of cologne
On the skin
What summer smells like
Afternoon storms
My love for you
Again & again & again
A strip – a tester
Holds the spores
So fine & fragrant
Slipped in a breast pocket
A return ticket
The transport – a nose
We’re back in summer
Cold rain on a hot wind
Our hands & lips
Again & again & again.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Sabado (ef)

In patterns on your back
Your fingers outsides
Left gaps in sunscreen
With no rhyme or reason –
Just where your reach
Couldn’t achieve complete coverage.
Somehow the sun designed
A dolphin.

At the end of a cloud-stretching tether
Dangles a tourist…
White-legged, white knuckled.

Those braids, darling –
Vacationary nightmare
Temporary tattoos
Allow the traveler
To cut loose.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Puerto Vallarta, i (ef)

The Mexican sun is a crazy star
With an untamed whirling mane
And the maddest, laughing eyes
The most beautiful part of any flower
To my eye, a burning calyx.

Is an ugly word
Hard and soft in all the wrong places
Chopped loudly from the throats
Of wandering vendors –
They follow, expectant faces
Like boats I tow behind me.

This sun and these words,
Things that bite and sting,
This skin that burns:
An afternoon in all it’s complicity.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Letting In (ef)

We are not terrible enough
To qualify for godhood.
Maybe for minor demons
we could pass...
As we go our bad proliferates:
A willingness to
Drink entire oceans,
Push under entire lands.
Prerequisites to the trade:
Letting in a little good -
Mercy versus a change of mind.
So, divinity evades.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Queen for a Day... or Two

If I were Queen... I would smite some folks - and verily.

> The hands-free headset in-duh-viduals. They who wear their hands-free "safe as houses" headsets while they drive - but still, they are holding the cellphone in one hand as if it were a communicator pad or they're triangulating. Use headset. Place phone in lap. Hands on wheel. Drive. Talk. Stop it!

I've had some weird moments in stores standing next to someone who bursts into laughter or asks a question out loud -- the first thing I look for is that wire snaking from their ear into a pocket.

> "My kingdom for your cracker!" Yesterday a woman zigged into my lane and I into the shoulder lane. Then she zagged back into her own lane and then slightly back my way again. She was reaching for something in the passenger seat. As I drew up next to her, it was to see that she was wrestling with a sleeve of saltines to get a cracker free to munch on.

Your life - ahem - my life is worth a cracker?!

Let the smoting begin.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Defense of Marriage

As for the Defense of Marriage - what the heck are people thinking anymore? It's all very separate - your state can approve/disapprove your legal union; your church can approve/disapprove your spiritual union. You make your choices accordingly - pick your church; vote your state into your way of thinking. In theory - right? In a Democracy - right?

A friend sent this to me today - and I thought I'd add it here:

*Ronald Reagan - divorced the mother of two of his children to marry Nancy Reagan who bore him a daughter only 7 months after the marriage.

*Bob Dole - divorced the mother of his child, who had nursed him through the long recovery from his war wounds.

*Newt Gingrich - divorced his wife who was dying of cancer.

*Dick Armey - House Majority Leader - divorced

*Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas - divorced

*Gov. John Engler of Michigan - divorced

*Gov. Pete Wilson of California - divorced

*George Will - divorced

*Sen. Lauch Faircloth - divorced

*Rush Limbaugh - Rush and his current wife Marta have six marriages and four divorces between them.

*Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia - Barr, not yet 50 years old, has been married three times. Barr had the audacity to author and push the "Defense of Marriage Act." The current joke making the rounds on Capitol Hill is "BobBarr...WHICH marriage are you defending?!?

*Sen. Alfonse D'Amato of New York - divorced

*Sen. John Warner of Virginia - divorced (once married to Liz Taylor.)

*Gov. George Allen of Virginia - divorced

*Henry Kissinger - divorced

*Rep. Helen Chenoweth of Idaho - divorced

*Sen. John McCain of Arizonia - divorced

*Rep. John Kasich of Ohio - divorced

*Rep. Susan Molinari of New York - Republican National Convention Keynote Speaker - divorced

I may not be the marryin' kind - I like it out there on the open prairie (?) - but if I wanted to marry one day or form a legal union with a consenting partner - WHY DOES IT FRIGGIN' MATTER TO ANYONE ELSE?

Monday, March 01, 2004

In The Neck

I am in the neck
from my last life
of wide horizons
into my next
it being endless
in its possibilities.

I am in the neck
pressure building
toward an awaited spasm
an excruciating anticipation
of future, of fear
of the letting go.

I am in the neck
much like other
pinches of past
and premonition
I will recall
the width and hours
my mark will be left
my skull reshaped
inside & out - reborn
into my next tenure.